Expert Opinion: How Much Exercise Does an Adult Dog Need

19.05.2023 19:58
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

You may have sometimes blamed yourself for not giving your pet enough time to play and walk. In this article, we will figure out how much specific exercise your dog needs.

How much activity is needed for an adult, healthy dog

There is no universal answer to the question, since activity varies from health, weight, age and other characteristics of the animal.

However, you can consider the breed of your dog.

There are more and less active dog breeds.

For example, border collies are considered the most active, and the basset hound and bulldog are the least active.


For a healthy, calm dog, walks in nature will be enough. Try to diversify your walking routes, change the location, and take the animal on trips to new places.

For active dogs, in addition to walking, you can add ball games, swimming, and walks in mountainous areas.

As for the time of walks, everything also depends on your pet. For not particularly active dogs, 30 minutes outside per day may be sufficient. While other animals will be short of an hour. Keep track of how tired your pet is and willingly goes home.

Stick to approximately the same walk times so that the dog gets used to it.

If your dog has a health problem, seek the help of a veterinarian who can help develop a special, safe daily routine for your pet.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource