Expert Opinion: Is It Possible to Sleep in the Same Bed with Your Pet

27.09.2023 20:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, having a dog in the home increased the owner's likelihood of having a sleep disorder, and cat owners were more likely to report involuntary leg twitching.

Why you shouldn't sleep with pets

Sleeping with your pet in the same bed carries the risk of contracting an infection.

First of all, experts recommend avoiding sleeping with pets due to the fact that the latter are carriers of parasites.

Often, such microorganisms remain on pets’ fur even after complete recovery.

Is it possible to sleep next to a dog

Your dog may make your allergies worse: even if you haven't had an allergic reaction to pet skin, dogs often bring new allergens, such as grass and pollen.


If you suffer from allergies, then letting your dog sleep in your own bedroom, much less your bed, is a bad idea.

What are the advantages of sleeping instead of with a pet

Simply put, people who sleep with their pets feel happier, which is why co-sleeping with a pet is recommended for people with depression and sleep disorders.

Rhythmic breathing and the warmth of the animal will help reduce anxiety and fall asleep faster.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why you shouldn't sleep with pets
  2. Is it possible to sleep next to a dog
  3. What are the advantages of sleeping instead of with a pet