Hummingbird: Interesting Facts

20.12.2023 21:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

The hummingbird is the smallest bird on earth. It feeds exclusively on nectar, which contains a lot of sugar.

Not all birds are able to get nectar from such flowers, but a hummingbird can, since it has a rather long and thin beak.

More than 350 species of these birds are known, but due to their beautiful coloring, their number is declining.

What a hummingbird can do

An exceptional feature of this species is that only they can fly backwards in the opposite direction.

The smaller the bird, the more times it can flap its wings (from 8-10 to 80-100 times per second), which is not always perceptible to the human eye.


Why hummingbirds can't stop

Some other birds can hover in place, but hummingbirds are superior to all other species, stopping in one place for a long time and without visible effort.

When “flying in place,” a hummingbird has to make a figure eight with its wings.

Thanks to this, the bird stays upright in the air.

How many heart beats per minute does a hummingbird have

At rest, the heart of a hummingbird beats at a frequency of 500 beats per minute, and during flight up to 1200 times.

They are pollinators of orchids in Central and South America, allowing rare species to bloom and reproduce.

This is the only bird in the world that can fly with its back.

What do hummingbirds drink

Every day, hummingbirds drink an amount of nectar equal to 80% of their body weight.

Nectar is mostly water, but it also contains sugars. These sugars found in plants can be fermented by yeast into ethanol.

Therefore, hummingbirds can also consume alcohol, i.e. alcohol.

Previously, we talked about why crows imitate human speech.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What a hummingbird can do
  2. Why hummingbirds can't stop
  3. How many heart beats per minute does a hummingbird have
  4. What do hummingbirds drink