Why does a dog run in circles before bed: experts have revealed the real reason

08.04.2024 22:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Dogs often run in circles. In this article, you will find out what may be causing this behavior in your pet.

Why do dogs run in circles

Dogs sometimes run before bed, before going to the toilet, and sometimes just for fun, or when they want to throw out completely unused energy.

In addition, turning around oneself before sleep is a nesting instinct inherited by dogs.

The ancestors of domestic dogs in natural conditions were forced to make themselves a safe and comfortable place to sleep, like nests from branches and leaves.

Although this behavior may seem strange or even erratic, it is completely normal and is rooted in both dogs' hereditary habits and their natural instincts.


Without a circle can be seen as a gesture of curiosity and a desire to be closer to your human companions.

This behavior is usually not a cause for concern, but rather a sweet expression of your dog's bond with you.

The desire to run in a circle arises as a result of increasing excitement or release of tension.

Thus, the animal splashes out its tension and emotions.

However, in other cases, spinning may signal something more worrisome, such as dementia or OCD.

If you notice any changes in your pet's behavior, this is a reason to contact your veterinarian.

Previously, we talked about why dogs growl while eating.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource