Quick house cleaning before quests: Housekeeping tips

30.11.2023 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

If your friends or relatives have a habit of visiting you randomly, then you should have a habit of cleaning your house quickly.

While quick cleaning can't replace huge regular cleaning and maintenance, it can make your house look significantly better in no time.

Here are a few general rules of how to achieve the best results quickly.

Tidy Up

Before you begin cleaning, quickly declutter and tidy each room. Put away any items that are out of place, such as toys, shoes, or loose papers. 

Focus on visible surfaces like countertops, coffee tables, and dining tables.


Dust Surfaces

Grab a microfiber cloth or a duster and quickly dust surfaces, including furniture, shelves, and electronics. 

Pay attention to areas that are easily noticeable, like tabletops and TV screens.

Wipe Down Surfaces

Use a multipurpose cleaner and a damp cloth to wipe down surfaces such as countertops, kitchen appliances, bathroom sinks, and toilets. 

Focus on areas that are likely to get dirty or show stains.

Clean Glass and Mirrors

Spray a glass cleaner onto a cloth or paper towel and wipe down any glass surfaces and mirrors. 

This includes windows, glass tables, and bathroom mirrors. Check for streaks and wipe them away for a sparkling finish.

Tackle Floors

Quickly vacuum or sweep the floors in the main living areas to remove visible dirt, dust, and pet hair. 

If you have hard flooring, use a mop or damp cloth to quickly clean spills or sticky spots.

Freshen Up

Light a scented candle or use air freshener to give your house a pleasant aroma. Avoid strong odors that may be overpowering.

Final Touches

As a last-minute touch, fluff up couch cushions, arrange throw pillows, and straighten rugs. 

Ensure that bathroom essentials like hand towels and toilet paper are stocked.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Tidy Up
  2. Dust Surfaces
  3. Wipe Down Surfaces
  4. Clean Glass and Mirrors
  5. Tackle Floors
  6. Freshen Up
  7. Final Touches