Signs that you wash your clothes incorrectly: Housekeeping tips

18.07.2023 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

The condition of your clothes after washing can provide clues about whether you have washed them incorrectly. 

If you don't know how to take good care of your clothes, then you'll have to replace them pretty often.

Here are some signs to look out for that may indicate improper washing.

Fading or color bleeding

If your clothes' colors appear faded or if you notice color bleeding onto other garments, it could be a sign of inadequate sorting or incorrect water temperature. 

Mixing clothes of different colors or washing them in hot water when they should be washed in cold water can cause colors to bleed and fade.



Clothes that have significantly reduced in size after washing are likely to have been exposed to excessive heat or agitation. 

High temperatures, using the wrong wash cycle, or over-drying in the dryer can lead to shrinkage. 

Always follow the care instructions on the garment's label to avoid this issue.


Excessive wrinkling can be a result of overloading the washing machine or dryer. 

When clothes are crammed too tightly, they don't have enough space to move freely during the washing and drying cycles. 

This can lead to wrinkling, and garments may come out of the dryer in a more crumpled state than usual.

Fabric damage

If you notice fraying, pilling, or holes in your clothes after washing, it could indicate rough handling or the use of harsh detergents. 

Rough agitation, abrasive fabrics, or using too much detergent can contribute to fabric damage over time. 

Delicate fabrics or items with specific care requirements may require gentler washing methods or handwashing.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Fading or color bleeding
  2. Shrinkage
  3. Wrinkling
  4. Fabric damage