Advice from a Psychologist: How to take care of yourself

25.07.2023 21:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Proper self-care is essential to maintaining a good mood and reducing anxiety. It is also important so that we can properly build relationships with ourselves and others.

What is self-care

Self-care is not some general concept. It means action. To take care of yourself, there are things you need to start doing. Self-care can be defined as a purposeful activity aimed at maintaining one's physical and emotional health.

For example, the article "Seven Pillars of Self-Care" describes the following types of self-care: mental; emotional; physical; environmental; entertaining; social; and spiritual.

What stops us from taking care of ourselves

Not daring to spend time on ourselves, feeling guilty, considering being a waste of time, associating rest with laziness - such beliefs, conscious or not, make us deaf to our own needs, prevent us from treating ourselves well.

How to take care of yourself

Listening to your own feelings and needs, you begin to give yourself only what you need. For example, do I really need a glass of coffee right now, or is my body asking for clean water? Do

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I want to go out with my friends or is it better for me to stay at home?

Pay attention, if you do something that seems to benefit yourself, but then you feel empty, then this moment is clearly not about caring. For example, I go to the gym to keep fit.

Everything seems to be correct. But if after the hall you feel bad, then look for other options for physical activity that are pleasant for you, filling and giving a good mood. Apply this rule to all areas of your life.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is self-care
  2. What stops us from taking care of ourselves
  3. How to take care of yourself