Parents are worried about their kids' screen time: A new study on parents concerns

03.09.2023 22:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Parents are always worried about their kids' hobbies, and every generation has its own worst fear.

Nowadays, most parents dislike how much time their children spend on using their gadgets and devices.

Let's find out more about it.

Worries and concerns

Parents, particularly mothers, are facing a relentless mental burden due to their children's digital device use, according to research from the University of South Australia. 

This mental load, termed "digital care work," involves mothers monitoring their children's digital activities, becoming familiar with various social media platforms, and managing their screen time. 

boy with a smartphone

This added responsibility can affect mothers' careers and well-being. 

More about the study

The study, which interviewed Adelaide mothers with children aged 9 to 16, found that digital care work adds complexity to modern motherhood, as devices used for digital homework and distractions make setting rules challenging. 

Mothers employ various strategies to manage digital use but may also permit it for a brief respite. 

Understanding and appreciating the significant digital care work mothers provide is crucial.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Worries and concerns
  2. More about the study