Psychologist's opinion: Is it possible to learn to be happy

19.02.2024 21:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26


Finland is the happiest country in the world according to the World Happiness Report 2023. But aside from moving across the ocean, experts agree that there are ways to improve your own happiness, no matter where you live.

Is it possible to learn to be happy

It is impossible to be happy all the time, there are moments of sadness and despair in everyone's life, and this is normal.

Nevertheless, the ability to catch the moment of happiness and live it is an important skill, having developed it, a person will learn to be happy. In addition, for this you need to constantly monitor yourself, monitor your feelings and thoughts.

What kind of person is truly happy

For each of us, this concept has a different meaning. In the broadest sense, a truly happy person is one who has been able to find a place in life. The one who loves, believes, helps and communicates with other people.

What can make you happy

Practices that contribute to sustainable happiness include: expressing gratitude for what you have, developing optimism, finding the good in the bad, not comparing yourself with other people, maintaining and developing close relationships, developing the ability to cope with traumas and crises, learning forgive.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Is it possible to learn to be happy
  2. What kind of person is truly happy
  3. What can make you happy