sweet potato


Sweet potatoes should be planted in areas with fertile, light and non-acidic soil, fertilized with organic matter.

Diana Dashkevich gardening vegetables gardening tips Garden 3 February 2024

The flavor accent of the sweet potato - even if you just bake it in the oven - is obviously sweet with a pleasant spicy undertone. It tastes like pumpkin and carrots at the same time. This is surprising for us - lovers of ordinary potatoes, but this makes cooking sweet potatoes even more exciting.

Diana Dashkevich healthy food food facts Cooking 13 September 2023

Sweet potato is a delicious, sweet vegetable that is rich in vitamins and nutrients. The orange vegetable is an excellent source of protein, carbohydrates, fiber, B vitamins, vitamin C, potassium, and calcium.

Diana Dashkevich vegetables gardening advices Garden 31 May 2023
sweet potato

You may have noticed white slime on the surface of sweet potatoes more than once. In the article you will find out if this is normal and whether such a vegetable can be used for cooking.

Diana Dashkevich food storage facts vegetables Cooking 8 May 2023

Baked sweet potatoes are a quick and easy way to cook dinner in just 20 minutes. You will need a minimum of ingredients and cooking time.

Diana Dashkevich cooking recipe food Cooking 5 May 2023
sweet potato

Sweet potato is a tuberous root vegetable that has a sweet taste and beautiful color. Young leaves and shoots can also be eaten as greens. In the article we will tell you how to properly plant and grow sweet potatoes.

Diana Dashkevich gardening planting vegetables Garden 26 April 2023
sweet potato

If you know how to cook sweet potatoes properly, your dishes will turn out great. Sweet potato is a tasty and healthy vegetable that prolongs the feeling of satiety for a long time.

Diana Dashkevich food recipe tips Cooking 17 April 2023