

Sometimes it can be difficult to understand how a first date went. It is important to know some patterns.

Diana Dashkevich love mental health communication Psychology 27 May 2024

Sometimes you shouldn't go on dates. In this article, we will tell you how you can understand this.

Diana Dashkevich relax abuse mental health psychologist tips Psychology 15 April 2024

When starting a new relationship, people often feel confused whether it's serious and mature or not. While you can't always quickly understand whether it's going to work or not, some signs can actually help you spot a mature relationship.

Kate Yakimchuk relationship tips Psychology 8 October 2023
sad couple

Great partners can make us strong and happy, bad partners can leave us weak, scared of intimacy, and mentally damaged. While it's often hard to spot a bad partner right away, It's important to keep looking for red flags to keep your self-esteem healthy.

Kate Yakimchuk relationship self-esteem confidence tips Psychology 1 October 2023

Dating a manipulator can be an extremely traumatizing experience for everyone, and especially for people who are soft-hearted and gentle. It's not only unpleasant or unhealthy - it can also be pretty dangerous for your mental health.

Kate Yakimchuk manipulation self-esteem personality tips Psychology 30 September 2023
happy woman

While love can be an amazing experience in your life, it's not always the best time for it. Psychologists normally identify a few life situations when it's better to stay away from dating or romantic relationships.

Kate Yakimchuk relationship tips Psychology 24 September 2023

While lots of people can't imagine their lives without relationships, others just don't want to date anyone. People may prefer not to date anyone for various reasons, and these reasons can be deeply personal and unique to each individual. 

Kate Yakimchuk relationship love Psychology 28 July 2023
single woman

The modern world always tries to tell us that dating and relationships are vital for everyone, but lots of people avoid dating and seem to be perfectly fine on their own. While dating can be an amazing experience leading to stable and warm relationships, some people decide that it's not worth the risk of being heartbroken.

Kate Yakimchuk relationship personality mental health personal boundaries Psychology 24 June 2023
couple sad

A new study published on Sage Journals claims that your partner significantly influences your mental health. While this influence isn't necessarily bad, it can also increase your chances of being stressed and depressed a lot.

Kate Yakimchuk relationship mental health research Psychology 21 June 2023

Have you ever wondered why lots of modern adults are single? A new study published by Bowling Green State University claims that modern people often don't feel like they genuinely need partners.

Kate Yakimchuk personality relationship research Psychology 20 June 2023

People always notice beauty, and most individuals dream of dating someone really attractive. But when someone attractive actually shows interest in them, lots of individuals back off, feeling insecure or confused.

Kate Yakimchuk beauty personality insecurity Psychology 19 June 2023

When you become closer with someone, it usually means they like you - but not always as a potential partner. People can like someone but still just want to be friends with them, but there are some signs that can help you understand their true feelings.

Kate Yakimchuk love relationship communication Psychology 19 June 2023

It's easier to fall in love with someone who probably likes you back - it increases your chances to succeed drastically. But some people still fall in love with those who won't ever reciprocate, or just seem too unapproachable.

Kate Yakimchuk relationship personality love Psychology 11 June 2023

While sometimes people are more interested in how to understand whether someone likes them, it's also important to know whether someone isn't. When dating someone, you should know the signs that you probably shouldn't waste your time.

Kate Yakimchuk relationship communication personality Psychology 9 June 2023