Psychologist Explanation: What is Catatonia

27.10.2023 21:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Catatonia is considered a rare disorder and occurs in approximately 7–17% of people with severe psychological disorders.

What is catatonia

Catatonia is a severe disorder in psychiatry, manifested by motor disturbances in the form of stupor or agitation.

This type of psychomotor disorder can be manifested by the following symptoms: Complete immobility or sharply slow movements.

A symptom of waxy flexibility is the patient maintaining the given position, often uncomfortable, against the background of increased muscle tone.

How long does catatonia last

The state of catatonic stupor can last from several hours to several months.


What is Catatonic Syndrome

Catatonic syndrome is a mental disorder in which there are disturbances in motor activity.

Moreover, these disturbances can be expressed both in the direction of inhibition and excitement.

In the first case, the signs of catatonic syndrome are: Stupor - immobility.

Is it possible to cure Catatonia

At the initial manifestation of symptoms of catatonia and, in particular, a catatonic attack in the form of stupor, you should immediately consult a doctor.

With timely diagnosis and effective treatment, this pathology can be eliminated quite quickly.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is catatonia
  2. How long does catatonia last
  3. What is Catatonic Syndrome
  4. Is it possible to cure Catatonia