

Sometimes relationships take a lot of strength and energy. In this article, we will tell you how to recover from a debilitating relationship.

Diana Dashkevich relationship mental health stress psychologist tips Psychology 13 May 2024

Quarrels and conflicts are an integral part of every relationship. In this article, we will talk about the signs that you and your partner need a family therapist.

Diana Dashkevich family family issues mental health communication Psychology 4 March 2024

Panic attacks (episodic paroxysmal anxiety) are attacks of severe anxiety (panic) or fear (most often - fear of death, less often - fear of loss of consciousness, loss of control, helplessness or fear of “going crazy”), accompanied by a rapid heartbeat and a feeling of “suffocation”, "lack of air."

Diana Dashkevich health mental health psychologist tips panic Psychology 15 January 2024

Social anxiety is a state of emotional discomfort, fear, apprehension and worry regarding a social situation and evaluation by other people.

Diana Dashkevich mental health health society anxiety psychologist tips Psychology 8 January 2024

Anxiety is an emotion that occurs in response to thoughts about possible threats; a tool of the self-preservation instinct. Anxious thoughts originate in the amygdala, two small parts of the brain located in the temporal lobes, one each on the right and left.

Diana Dashkevich anxiety health mental health health facts Psychology 8 January 2024

Borderline personality disorder is a type of personality disorder in which a person experiences periods of tension, unstable mood and behavior, and an altered "sense of self."

Diana Dashkevich mental health health facts psychologist tips Psychology 5 January 2024

Psychotherapy is indicated for people suffering from depression, fear, anxiety, insomnia, neurotic disorders, people experiencing severe grief and stress. Family therapy can help couples who are unable to cope with their problems and disagreements on their own.

Diana Dashkevich mental health psychologist tips computer fun facts Psychology 4 January 2024

Autistic people maintain high concentration when performing monotonous work, do not become distracted, are attentive to detail, and may have extensive knowledge in an area of interest to them.

Diana Dashkevich mental health fun facts facts Psychology 28 December 2023

People with high intelligence suffer more often. It has been noted that up to 48% of people with OCD are single. In addition, it should be said that at the age of up to 65 years, this disorder was more often diagnosed in men, with the exception of the age period – 25-34. In general, however, men and women are affected approximately equally.

Diana Dashkevich mental health health psychologist tips facts Psychology 27 December 2023

Metacognitive therapy is about why the thought “I'm worthless” because of failure makes some people just a little sad, while others drive them crazy, and how to change that.

Diana Dashkevich mental health psychologist tips facts Psychology 19 December 2023

This is a psychotherapeutic method based on the healing effects of music on a person’s psychological state, where music is used as a therapeutic agent. Music therapy refers to complex means of emotional and psychosensory influence.

Diana Dashkevich music mental health psychologist tips fun facts Psychology 19 December 2023

Fear is an emotion that arises in situations of threat to the biological or social existence of an individual and is aimed at the source of real or imagined danger.

Diana Dashkevich mental health fears fun facts Psychology 11 December 2023

ADHD is a neurological behavioral disorder that begins in childhood and is characterized by difficulty concentrating and maintaining attention, excessive motor activity (hyperactivity), and incontinence (impulsivity).

Diana Dashkevich mental health personality life fun facts Psychology 5 December 2023

DBT is a flexible, eclectic therapy that uses methods and techniques from other schools of psychotherapy, borrowing the most valuable ones.

Diana Dashkevich mental health facts psychologist tips Psychology 4 December 2023

Emotional swings in relationships are an alternation of delight and joy with anxiety, anger and frustration. Most often this is a manipulative technique consisting of dosing intimacy and alienation.

Diana Dashkevich relationship communication mental health psychologist tips Psychology 2 December 2023

Group psychotherapy is a form of psychotherapy where a small group of people, under the guidance of a psychologist or psychotherapist, meets to achieve psychotherapeutic goals: resolving internal conflicts, relieving tension, improving mood, and other tasks to correct the psychological state.

Diana Dashkevich fun facts mental health psychologist tips Psychology 27 November 2023

Borderline personality disorder affects nearly 1.6% of adults in the United States.

Diana Dashkevich mental health facts Psychology 7 November 2023

Catatonia is considered a rare disorder and occurs in approximately 7–17% of people with severe psychological disorders.

Diana Dashkevich mental health facts Psychology 27 October 2023